What are the main differences between a visit visa and a Supervisa?

A visit Visa and a Super Visa allow individuals to enter Canada temporarily, but they cater to different needs and have distinct features. Here are the main differences between both visas:

Visit Visa (Temporary Resident Visa – TRV)

  1. Purpose: For short-term visits to Canada for tourism, visiting family or friends, attending business meetings, or other temporary purposes.
  2. Validity: Typically, it is granted for up to six months per visit. It can be single-entry or multiple-entry, allowing for one or multiple entries to Canada during the validity period.
  3. Duration of Stay: Maximum of six months per visit. Extensions can be applied for from within Canada.

Super Visa

  1. Purpose: Specifically designed for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to visit Canada for extended periods.
  2. Eligibility: The supervise caters only for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents. It includes requirements for the child or grandchild’s income. Valid Canadian medical insurance for at least one year with a minimum coverage of $100,000. Finally, Medical examination is required.
  3. Validity: The Super Visa itself can be valid for up to 10 years.
  4. Duration of Stay: Allows for stays of up to two years at a time without the need to renew status. This is significantly longer than the regular six-month stay permitted under a Visit Visa. 

Key Differences

  • Eligibility: The Visit Visa is open to all eligible foreign nationals, while the Super Visa is exclusively for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Duration of Stay: Visit Visa holders can stay for up to six months per visit, whereas Super Visa holders can stay for up to five years at a time.
  • Financial Requirements: The Super Visa requires proof of financial support from the host in Canada and sufficient medical insurance, while the Visit Visa generally does not.
  • Medical Exam: The Super Visa requires a medical examination, which is not always required for a Visit Visa.


Choosing between a Visit Visa and a Super Visa depends on your relationship to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and the duration you wish to stay in Canada. If you are a parent or grandparent wanting to stay for extended periods, the Super Visa is the more suitable option. For shorter, general visits, the Visit Visa is appropriate. For more detailed information and to apply, you can visit Dar Canada website at www.DarCanada.com

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